Do you like photos of couples taken on their engagement day? Do you think that it is a wonderful idea? Do you have any lovely photos of your special day like this? In my opinion, this idea is trully great. The couple decides to have great pictures while celebrating their special day… once they have the lovely photos they include them into their album… and this is one of the proofs how their common life began… it is a kind of a photo story… Well, we should not fool ourselves, the engagement is really specific moment and mainly the emotions, energy, sparkling between the lovers, the moment of power… all of this can be captured by a photography and you can remind it to yourself and everyone you want every single time you look at it. So what do you think about these photos of just engaged couple Natalia & Benjamin?
Líbí se vám fotky párů z jejich zásnub? Myslíte, že je to pěkná vzpomínka? Máte také nějaké vzpomínky na svůj zásnubní den? Já si myslím, že je to úžasné, když si pár pořídí takovéto společné fotografie… přidá je k ostatním společným… začíná tak vlastně opravdu společný život… je to taková malá reportáž… Co si budeme nalhávat, je to naprosto ojedinělý okamžik a hlavně ty emoce, energie, napětí, síla okamžiku… to všechno se dá fotografií zachytit a připomenout pokaždé, když se na fotku podíváte! A co říkáte na tyto fotky právě zasnoubeného páru Natalie & Benjamina?
This view is so romantic, don’t you think?
Paris is rightfullly the city of lovers
No lights, no city rush, no other people around… it is a bit scary when you realize that it is in the center of Paris.
The magic evening under the Eiffel Tower.
Even the city rush can be fascinating and somehow wonderful.
It’s crystal clear – she said “Yes, I will merry you”
What do you feel when you look at this photograph?
Natalia & Benjamin
I remember that day – it was totally cold, Natalia & Benjamin were freezing, but it was worth it. The result is great!
Absolutely different view of the Eiffel Tower
The light in between them that’s warm and pure love