According to my experience everyone would love to have some personal breathtaking photos… I often hear excuses as “I am not a photogenic person.”, “I do not have the right body type.”, “I am not good at facial grimaces.” etc. Well this is a big lie to yourself! All you need is to have a well skilled photographer, nice surroundings, inspiration, good light… So if you are still trying to fool yourself, please, stop it. Just imagine the final pictures that will amaze you and stay fine. This is the only way to have great photos and memories.
Snad každý by chtěl mít doma nějaké své dechberoucí fotografie… často se ale setkávám s názory typu “Nejsem dost fotogenická(ký)”, “Nemám na to správnou postavu”, “Neumím se dobře tvářit” atd. Omyl! To jsou jen chabé výmluvy. Vše záleží na umu konkrétního fotografa, prostředí, nápadu, světle… Takže pokud stále váháte a hledáte jen výmluvy, proč to nezkusit, přestaňte. Nalaďte se na výsledek, který vás ohromí a buďte sami sebou. Pak je vítězství a tedy i nádherná fotografie a vzpomínka jistotou.
Not very comfortable place at the first sight. But this charming lady gave it another look.
Who knows what does she think about?
You don’t need many accessories to have a likeable picture.
Even without a smile on her face she is really beautiful.
What do you think about meeting a fairy in the forest?
Black and white photos are amazing throughout decades.
Her dress is so eye catching that we should let it excel among other colors.
She reminds me of a ballerina. Maybe it’s due to her outfit, what do you think?