Portraits: Monika & Loncin MSL250

After a while I can present you photographs from photoshooting of a super couple. No, I do not mean pictures of twins, nor a husband and wife, neither siblings… but for sure it is always a heart issue. And let me tell you that is is always a very beautiful pair – woman and a motorbike. Today you can see photos of lovely Monika and Loncin MSL250. Monika is very likeable young woman, with whom the photoshooting was absolutely free and natural. It seems to me that you can feel glamour, feminity, and also self-confidence and determination from her and that’s why the result is trully perfect. Enjoy these photos of beautiful Monika and her motorbike.

Po dlouhé době přidávám opět jedno focení super dvojky. Ne, nejsou to ani dvojčata, ani manželé, ani sourozenci… i když srdcová záležitost to je vždy. A co si budeme povídat, je to i zaručeně koukatelná dvojice – žena a motorka. Dnes je to nádherná Monika a Loncin MSL250. Monika je velice sympatická mladá žena, se kterou bylo celé focení naprosto uvolněné a přirozené. Vyřazuje z ní půvab, ženskost, ale i sebevědomí a odhodlání, a tak výsledek opravdu stojí za to. Užijte si i vy krásné fotografie Moniky a její motorky.

An ispiration picture… you can just use your fantasy and guess the rest.

Wonderful lady and great motorbike – super combination.

Just thinking about another trip

They fit to each other, don’t you think?

Do you want a ride?

Once you go swimming in the nature and do not have a towel you can wait and dry out on your motorbike.

I like classic black & white pictures. It has its own magic…

…but the color gives you another way how to think about it.

Let’s go! She knows how to drive!

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