Wedding in Prague? Why not? There are several charming, romantic and very intimate places where to plan and organize your wedding day. One of these is the Vrtba Garden in the center of Prague. The palace gardens are a cultural monument registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List. And both civil and church ceremonies can be performed […]
Kličová slova - archivy: bride and groom
Svatební obřad: Podstránský mlýn Lično, Svatební hostina a ubytování: Podstránský mlýn Lično, Svatební šaty: Zdeňka Zachariašová, Svatební účes: Denisa Jirásková, Svatební make-up: Lenka Sládková, Svatební floristika: květiny Častolovice, Svatební video: Martin Cigánek, Svatební hudba: Skupina Song,
Exclusive, novelty, stylish, eccentric, profesionally arranged… yes, all of these should be the “must have” of any celebrity, who plans his/her wedding. But why? Is it just because of the fact, that such VIP is someone really well-known in public? Or is it the fact that we expect to see all of his/her private life […]