The Kiss. There are many and many variations of kisses and it is one of the most beautiful, natural and very intimate enderament you can imagine. And of course the kiss is something that trully have its place at a wedding ceremony and all the time before and after it. Relatives, lovers, kids… all of […]
Kličová slova - archivy: Milan Zarecky photography
Photographing kids may be a hard nut to crack not only for parents, but for a professional photographer as well. Newborn photography, which is photographing of little babies, is quite a different thing. And today I would like to present you some photos of newborn Barunka. When you plan to photograph your baby, keep in […]
Photoshooting with Izabela in the atelier was really great experience! She is so natural and great looking model. Morover, Izabela was very open-minded while we talk about taking poses and changing a look in her face. But you know what is the most important thing while photoshooting a portrait? It’s the ability of the photographer […]