References: Wedding place chateau Havel Web: https://chateauhotel.cz
Pre wedding photography in Italy, France, Czech Republic, UK, USA
For this time I have decided to chose some of the best wedding photographies that were taken in 2018. I picked photographies from some of the weddings of 2018 that are really special to me and are really wonderfull, according to me. As you can see, it is a selection that includes wedding of Czech […]
Nejemotivnější svatba, co jsem kdy zažil, zároveň jedna z nejkrásnějších. Krásný zámeček chateau St. Havel v Praze – Krč je opravdu místo, kde si můžete prožít svoji pohádkovou svatbu. O dekorace, naplánování, doprovodný program se starala agentura weddingdesign.cz ****** Most emotional wedding ever, most beautiful that I have been. It has been placed at chateau […]