The flowers for each wedding day play really important role. Therefore it is quite necessary to think about it beforehand and have a clear idea of what type of flower is going to be the one and will play the key role, what kind of wedding bouquet it will be and/or what type of wedding flower scheme you are going to follow. Be aware! The wedding flowers are not only a decoration, some kind of an add-on. From my experience, the wedding flowers and wedding bouquet itself are something that just must underline the beauty of the bride, moreover it should meet her character. The wedding bouquet needs to copy, debug and complete the overal impression of every single bride and her personality. It must decorate her but not to hide her… As far as I remember, I have never seen any wedding bouquet and flowers that wouldn’t match with the bride. Of course, there are the modern trends for each wedding season. But don’t get fooled. Many of the brides go back to the nature and want to be in line with the seasons and that’s something that is very modern in these days. Due to the fact that flowers are always a challange and there are a plethora of options, you can think of it while looking over my selection of wedding bouquets no matter what… even if you plan your wedding day or just remember it…
Kytice hraje na každé svatbě velice důležitou roli a je tedy potřeba si s dostatečným předstihem promyslet, jakou květinu a vazbu zvolit, aby kompletně zapadly do vašeho svatebního schématu. Ale pozor! Nejde jen o dekoraci a doplněk. Má zkušenost je taková, že taková svatební květina nejen že podtrhuje krásu nevěsty, ale jako kdyby s nevěstou souznila. Kopíruje, dolaďuje a jednoznačně dotváří celkový dojem a osobnost ženy, která ji nese a kterou zdobí. Vlastně si snad ani nepamatuji, že bych někdy viděl svatební kytici, která by k té konkrétní nevěstě nepasovala. Vždy nádherně ladila, zdobila… Samozřejmě svou roli hrají i trendy pro daný rok. Ale nenechte se zmást, návrat k souznění s přírodou a s jednotlivými ročními obdobími je rozhodně volbou, kterou nikdy nic nezkazíte – ba naopak! Proto jsem pro vás pro dnešek vybral několik málo fotografií svatebních květin – pro inspiraci, pro potěchu… ať už plánujete či vzpomínáte…
Romantic bouquet. Giving some color to their day.
Very traditional and still lovely, the white wedding bouquet .
Not only roses are grown for the weeding day. White tulips are magical too.
The white wedding bouquet color goes perfectly with any other decorations!
Great example how to match the wedding flower with bride & groom too.
Not very traditional but still it goes well with the white dress and beauty of the bride.
Perfect match! Lovely, colorful, smart.
This is the way it should be – wedding bouquet which copies and underlines the magic moments
Even a white flower in the snow can light up the photos.
Cannot think of any better wedding flower for her wedding! It was so romantic and lovely!
This flowers just shine as her smile! Great selection!
Romantic and comrades with nature like a fairy.
Wonderful example of wedding flower that underlines personalities of both of them.